Whose idea was it to start so early? An early start it was for some, leaving at 5.00am to make our way to Scone.
Finally we arrived for that much needed caffeine hit or in my case a hot chocolate fix. Maybe it’s a 4×4 urban myth that the trip leader provides breakfast? No such luck! Maybe next time? On the road again, the 15 cars number off as we head out of Scone to Nundle via Crawney Pass. You will hear and read this statement over and over again in this report but the scenery was beautiful. Particularly as we passed the most amazing grove of Black Boy Grasses totally enveloping a mountainous slope. This display was the largest clump anyone on the trip had seen in any one place. We passed through the extensive equine property Kitchwin Hills. Time for morning tea- slices, and the much needed sugar fix.
Arriving at Nundle around 11.10, TC gives us firm orders only an hour for lunch before we head off again. Some head off to top up on fuel… a very slow prospect with one diesel pump and no automatic responses, with it requiring a manual reset after each vehicle. Many took the chance to explore the old Wool mill, which is still in working order for historical value along with a boutique of woolen clothing for sale. We then dash off to the lovely old pub for a much talked about bowl of chips. It was lovely sitting in the sun enjoying our chips and beer. Before we knew it, it was leaving time and the newbies had to make a dash to the car. Oops, two minutes late but luckily Tail End Charlie (Trevor) patiently waited.
We were now on our way just out of town into Nundle State Forest to set up at the Ponderosa Camp Area. A quick 45 minute set up and then it was time for FUN. Tyres down for mud we headed for an afternoon drive. Our first challenge was a steep ascent up into a lookout. So many times, all you could see in the climb up to crests was your
bonnet and the treetops. This was why we were here. Better than the rides at a fun park. We then got to slip and slide our way through some wonderful mud tracks. (So glad we cleaned the truck before heading out… NOT)
Up tracks, down tracks, around sweeping corners and tight bends. Someone made the comment that the tight bends didn’t suit the Nissan but that can’t be right. A Nissan can tackle anything! Now if they said Jeep, we’d understand…
We then headed into the ‘deep dark forest’ where Faye put out the call to beware of the Yowies… The fun of more mud puddles and a small creek crossing. We then head up the hill hoping to get up to the tower but no such luck. Sat Navs are good but not good enough to let us know about a locked gate. Back down the hill, stopped along the track to collect some firewood. Thank goodness for Tappy’s ute! Including what we all brought I’m starting to think this fire is going to be seen from space.
We arrive back to the campsite by 4pm just in time for happy hour.
Day 2
Breakfast and on the move by 9am. We inflate our tyres ready for the gravel roads ahead. We head towards Barry, through Barry Station and then onto Glenrock Station. Absolutely stunning rolling, green hills. The first of our creek crossings appear just after Ben Hall Creek Bridge and considering all the rain we’ve had of recent all were flowing but barely a challenge- not much in the way of bow waves, the tyres barely got wet. Trip leader’s call for morning tea and once again, Cherrie comes to the fore and supplies a yummy peach slice.
From here we have another 16 creek crossings, twenty in total for the day. On through Ellerston Station, a rather impressive Packer pastoral station, 68 km NE of Scone. The property also boasts some the best polo fields and its golf course was rated number 4 in Australia. But we weren’t here for the golf so what the matter. We have another lovely creek side stop for an early lunch and a wonderful boost of vitamin D. This was a lovely spot to have a quiet word and catch up with others within the group.
Here we began to climb and were happy to find the main road through the Barrington National Park was open so had a great detour through a track. Wild brumbies caught our eye but shielded away as the convoy passed, those in the lead must have been fairly scary!
Here we passed through and witnessed the dingo fence as we head on through Dingo Gate at the Western extreme of the Barrington Tops and back down towards Moonan Flats. We passed quite a number of wildlife on this second day of the trip, an echidna, numerous snakes, eagles and one lonely kangaroo.
At Moonan Brook we re-inflate all the way back to blacktop pressure and this is when it hits you that the weekend adventure is coming to an end. Many within the group depart from here but those that are more inclined for some much needed chippies and beer head on to Moonan Flat Pub and drink to a wonderful weekend. Thanks Faye and T.C for a great weekend.
Maria and Narelle